Paris, France –  DOTSCREEN’s Amazin’TV has been nominated for the HbbTV Awards 2019 within the “Best use of HbbTV for Operator applications” category. 

DOTSCREEN is extremely proud to announce that Amazin’TV, its full-featured off-the-shelf User Interface, has just been officially nominated for the HbbTV Awards 2019. It was selected in the “Best use of HbbTV for Operator applications” category.



Amazin’TV  is DOTSCREEN’s homegrown, full-featured, customizable User Interface, available in HbbTV – OpApp, as well as in any other environments such as Android TV – Operator Tier, HTML5/Linux.

Amazin’ TV is an innovative user interface solution that provides all features expected by users in a big screen experience today, and  that offers a fluid,  intuitive user-centric design, tailored to LIVE TV experiences, and multi-screen, available on all internet-connected devices.

The UI solution was first developed in an Android TV version for Wibox, then using HTML 5 for Andorra Telecom , and more recently  in the HBBTV Op-App version.

Lately, DOTSCREEN also customized its Amazin’TV UI to develop Mediaset España‘s new UI MiTele , available on SmartTV and mobile, and to develop beIN Sports’s beIN Connect application, available on SmartTV and Playstation. 






Amazin’TV is a LIVE-TV centric solution :  it provides all the features wanted in a big screen experience, within the latest user-centric design, to respond to current and future needs in a TV-watching experience.

Amazin’TV is also fully customizable, for broadcasters and entertainment providers to engage with their fans, adapted to today’s trends and fashionable designs, and reliable.

Since its availability in any environment including recent HbbTV Op-App, Amazin’TV is now compatible to any screen and device, and the solution has proven its success amongst the industry with other recent nominations such as the CSI, and the European Readers Streaming Media Awards.


More info about Amazin’TV here.